- January 18, 2023 by M.Y. Hauger#games, #indiegames, #textadventure, #platformer, #pointandclick, #indiegamedev, #gamedev, ##fiction, #gamedevelopmentIn this release, the game is a bit more interactive. A minigame has been added with several levels. I plan to add more to the game later on... Continue reading
- January 13, 2023 by M.Y. Hauger#minigames, #pointandclick, #platformer, #interactivefiction, #fiction, #stories, #textadventure, ##pointandclick, ##storytellingAs of today, I've been working on an update for the game in order to make it a bit more interactive. So far, I've added a mini-game that has ten levels in it. The mini-game still needs a bit of work,... Continue reading
- November 05, 2022 by M.Y. Hauger##upcoming, ##earlyaccess, ##fiction, ##stories, ##storytelling, ##textadventue, ##pointandclickUpcoming! In just a few days, an early access version of this game will be released. Keep in mind that this game is more like an interactive visual novel. It's a condensed version of two stories that... Continue reading